Northwestern Polytechnical University

Northwestern Polytechnical University and specifically the School of Electronics and Information  has 109 teaching staffs, including 32 professors (including 26 Ph.D. supervisors) and 47 associate professors.

The school has cultivated more than ten thousand outstanding talents in the fields of Aeronautics, Astronautics, Electronic Information and so on.  The number of registered students currently in the school is 2,044, where 854 students are conducting their postgraduate research, and 1,190 students are involved in the undergraduate programs.

The school has first class office and labs equipped with modern research and development facilities to support seconded researchers.  NWPU is ranked high for its innovation in electronics.

Dr. Xu Li is the PI of National Natural Science project in China (No.61301195) and he is also the Chair for the 2nd International Conference ISCT2014, Tootori, Japan. NWPU will contribute to the WP2&WP3.

Ultra-layered perception with brain-inspired information processing for vehicle collision avoidance