Agile Robots

Agile Robots

Agile Robots AG is a high-tech start-up SME from the Munich area and focuses on Intelligence of Robot Manipulator and Hand, bridging the gap of AI and Robots interacting with the real world by integrating visual and force-torque sensing capabilities. Its mission is to bridge the gap between AI and the physical world by pushing the boundaries in both robotics and the AI arena. AR provide the world first robotic system with novel whole-body tactility through hybrid force and vision intelligence, which enables intelligent, easy-to-use and affordable robotic solutions with safe human-robot interaction. To this end, AR are fostering the next generation of technological innovations in environmental perception, artificial intelligence, and smart mechatronic actuation.

AR is spin-off company from German Aerospace Center (DLR), which has over decades of research in joint torques controlled robots, perception, autonomous robot planning, and learning based robot control. DLR invented the world first joint torque controlled robot arm and robotic hand. As a spin-off company from DLR, over 80% of employees of AR are coming from DLR.

AR has the needed facilities including force-controlled robot arms and multifinger-hands, 3D vision systems and the data processing software, and provides a wide range of state of art equipment and technologies, including whole-body tactility robots and robotic hands, cross-platform robotic operation system, learning based perception/recognition, and autonomous robotic planning.


Ultra-layered perception with brain-inspired information processing for vehicle collision avoidance